Committee Volunteer Sign Up Page
The Libertarian Party of Mecklenburg County is organizing several committees to accomplish the growth and work we are accomplishing in 2024.
For a very short term we will be running an LPNC Platform committee, which will be for presenting proposed changes to the LP of NC’s platform at this year’s convention. This is specifically in response to the request at LPMeck’s convention to add a platform item around voting rights for incarcerated persons. If this issue speaks to you, sign up for the LPNC Platform Recommendation Committee.
We want to scout out new locations and plan events to engage more of the Mecklenburg public.
To assist here, you can join the Events Committee.
Our social media and website needs volunteers to help cultivate and promote our content. We ask that interested people join our Messaging and Content Committee.
We are looking to get ahead of the 2025 convention and provide the time needed to work out a proper tackling of needed bylaws updates.
To help with these, you can join the 2025 Convention Committee or the 2025 Bylaws Committee.
Lastly, we want to reach every registered Libertarian in Mecklenburg county and drive up engagement. To do this, we need to form a committee willing to sign an NDA and get involved in reaching out to our members and prospective members. To help with this please join the Membership Outreach Committee.
We intend for most of the business communications in our committees to be electronic, so we will invite volunteers to our chat and collaboration platform, Mattermost.
The Executive Committee would like to thank you for helping grow and mature our party.
Please fill out the information below and we will follow up with you on the formation of these committees. You may choose any or all of them.