• What we’ll do
This is the Libertarian Party of Mecklenburg County Convention for 2019 where we will get an opportunity to hear from candidates running at the state level. Party business will be 1) Approval by Executive Committee of the Bylaws to be adopted for the next 2 years until 2021, and 2) Selection of Delegates to the LP NC State convention.
• What to bring
Enthusiasm for the upcoming campaigns, willingness to volunteer. You must also be a registered Libertarian voter to participate OR fill out a form changing your registration.
• Important to know
Appetizers will be provided. Plan to buy a meal or drinks if you’d like!
We will also be hosting any other nearby county that wants to have its convention in sequence with our own LPMeck to do party business: elect its executive committee, approve its bylaws, and to conduct whatever business it needs.
Please RSVP here on Meetup and optionally RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1266256820193852/